#cystic fibrosis

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4 days ago

For Some Families of Color, a Painful Fight for a Cystic Fibrosis Diagnosis

Failure to diagnose cystic fibrosis in children of color can lead to severe health issues and bias in medical treatment. [ more ]
The Atlantic
2 months ago

The Pregnant Moms Trying to Get a Miracle Drug for Their Babies

Trikafta, a treatment for cystic fibrosis, can significantly improve patients' quality of life.
Parents are willing to go to great lengths to secure Trikafta for their unborn children. [ more ]
6 months ago

Life-changing' cystic fibrosis drugs approved for use in younger children

Two drugs for cystic fibrosis have been authorized for use in younger patients, extending their licenses to include babies, toddlers, and reception-aged children.
Kaftrio can now be offered to children aged two to five, while Kalydeco can be given to babies as young as one month old.
The drugs target the underlying cause of the disease and can improve lung function, offering hope to younger patients with cystic fibrosis. [ more ]
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